Rock Stars...LITERALLY!!!

These were for some friends for the holidays 2007. Each one was thier specific color and band. I found logos online and printed them on photo paper. Saying that each of the stars were only like 2-3 in long the images didnt have to be that big because there had to be alot of room for the cool custom paint jobs. I painted the stars with a base color which happened to be black for all of them. The 'Linkin Park' star I did the same technique as The Harley one. I just used the new Linkin Park logo. This was for my friend Richard. This one didnt need any alterations. 'The Black Dahlia Murder' was probably the easiest to do. Its just black and white. No logo alterations. That was for my friend Zach.
I covered all these with Diamond Glaze to seal it and make it shiney! I think everyone really liked theres and I was happy with them. All in all this whole project for all the stars probably cost me $6, Because I also did a purple star with Patrick Star nailing a board to his head that said 'Ravyn' and Ravyn really loooved hers!
For the 'Harley Mama: In training' one for my friend Megan I had to put the MAMA part on in Adobe and that took some work to try to match the fonts. I came pretty close. Her favorite colors were black and red. I used white just to excentate. I drilled a timy hole in each which took a while because it was a little hand drill...ugh.
The last one 'Disturbed'...DONT GET ME STARTED! I didnt like any of the band logos to choose from. But I chose that one...and then when I pulled it up on Adobe it was soooo pixelated and I couldnt adjust the resoultion at all. The I realized the weird design in the back was fine but the letters were the messed up ones. So after about an HOUR of messing with fonts and sizes etc...I came up with the design there. So no Adam...that isnt truley the Disturbed logo...but I put alot of effort into that one...and I know ya loved it!
The 'ICP/Insane Clown Posse' star was really fun. I had soooo many logo options and more "favorite colors" to work with. I chose my favorite little clown!!! I love that guy. I basically sponge painted with a paintbrush with this one. I got to overlap and randomly place the colors. YAY!!! That star was for Kurtis who I was mad at after I finished it so he never got his. Which sucks...cuz he probably would have loved it. Its now hanging in my room.
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