New Roots Charter School asked me to design a ticket for there Ice Cream Social they had awhile back, weeellll...I sorta spaced it! Sooo this is what I came up with on a last minute thing. I think they turned out alright. They were to be handed out around town to students who were interested in the charter school and needed the information on what this event was.
When the ink was dry and so was the paint I mono-adhesive the picture and quotes to the card stock paper and assembled it as I liked. Mono doesn't normally stick to painted canvas to I use diamond glaze. It leaves a shine if you get it on top...so try to avoid that. The safety pin was also stuck on with Diamond Glaze.
All in all its a SUPER easy and cheap project that can be altered to any friend and made a cool birthday gift everyone liked...even if the guy is creepy :)